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Innovative and hyper effective formula increases muscle tissue gains by over 80% and is a hit in gyms!

Author of the article: dr Richard Perez

The new method, which has been worked on for years by a group of specialists from the USA, allows you to gain up to 15 kg of muscle mass and trim your figure in no time. It works stunningly fast and effectively, and what is more - it does not contain any harmful ingredients, so it is completely safe for health and 100% natural. In clinically controlled tests, scientists from the University of Idaho proved the effectiveness of this innovative formula and explained what is responsible for such rapid muscle growth.

Experienced bodybuilders and trainers could not believe it when they saw real effects in men who underwent the new treatment by a group of a dozen or so specialists from America. But no one should be surprised - no product on the market so far can match the results of this preparation, which took 7 years to develop. The men testing it built an average of 15 kg of pure muscle mass in just one month.

It all started 7 years ago in Boise, Idaho. It was here that Professor James McGovern brought together specialists in various fields to develop a product that would not only help men build their physiques, but also support the proper functioning of the endocrine system. "We wanted to create an effective preparation that would help men build muscle tissue in a non-invasive and as natural a way as possible, while also having a positive impact on their sex lives. We wanted to increase the efficiency of the male metabolism, and to achieve this, we had to try many different combinations of natural ingredients. This is why I wanted to work with absolute pioneers in many different fields who were not afraid to experiment and who had open minds. The results of this many years of work have exceeded our wildest expectations!" says Prof McGovern. "Among many products with similar effects, none works so quickly and without any side effects. The secret of these spectacular effects was revealed after we conducted thorough tests on 150,000 volunteers at my alma mater, Boise University."

  • How to achieve success in building muscle tissue?
  • How do I get more energy?
  • How do I get rid of the constant feeling of tiredness?
  • How do I put a smile on a woman's face?

IT'S SIMPLE! MuscleArt is enough!



Properly composed composition with multi-level action

The new formula has been developed based on a composition of unique active ingredients; their action is, therefore, multi-level and complementary. This unique composition accelerates the metabolism of the body, as a result of which excess fat tissue is burned in about 70% and completely transformed into muscle mass. In addition, the preparation:

  • Removes 85% of harmful toxins from the body
  • Stimulates and improves blood flow by 5 times
  • Contributes to the loss of excess weight
  • Optimises sexual performance

thus enhancing well-being

The effectiveness of the new method results from the combination of several key ingredients: D-aspartic acid, ZMA complex (zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6), African mango seed extract, fenugreek seed extract, and vitamins D3 and K2. Some of these substances occur naturally in the body, and when combined and stimulated appropriately, they increase the effectiveness of the preparation. In MuscleArt, the active ingredients are more condensed and thus easier to absorb, thanks to which they act immediately after being introduced into the body.


Phases of action as consolidation of long-term effects

Even after the first use of MuscleArt, fat tissue is immediately destroyed, while muscles are gradually built up in its place. Some of the men testing the product claimed that on the very first day of taking it they even gained around 1.5 kg of pure muscle mass! However, this is just the beginning; with daily use of the product, the body automatically begins to function in such a way as to build muscle and burn fat tissue at the same time. Moreover, it is constantly nourished and does not lack any minerals necessary for its functioning.


For 2 to 3 weeks, the fenugreek extract contained in the formula has a decisive effect which first stimulates the regeneration of muscle fibres and enhances the absorption of nutrients. Already after 3-4 days, a clearly perceptible improvement in wellbeing and a reduction in the time for the body to regenerate will have been achieved, making the body rest faster and utilising the nutrients taken in more effectively.


This is the most important process, which reaches its apogee around 3-4 weeks. The bio formula contained in the formula increases testosterone production, increase muscle volume, and strengthens both fast-shrinking fibres, responsible for dynamics and speed, and slow-shrinking fibres, which contribute to increased strength, endurance and gains in lean muscle mass. It is during this phase that strength and endurance increase significantly. As noted by all the men who tested the product: they trained with an increasing load, and the kilometres covered on a treadmill or bike increased by up to 80%. This natural formula increases strength, endurance and contributes to building a healthy musculature in a safe and non-invasive way.


The last, third phase, is the time when the effects achieved are impressive, but require consolidation. Strength, dynamics and endurance continue to increase, and you need to continue taking the product to maintain dry muscle mass and metabolic rate. It is during this phase that vitamin K2 is most active, stabilising metabolic processes in the body so that the effects achieved are not lost.


Listen to the opinions of professionals and... more!

The product is ideal for both amateur and professional athletes. MuscleArt is very popular among everyone who wants to have full power over their physique and well-being. Nowadays, its popularity is growing not only among bodybuilders, but also FIT lifestyle enthusiasts. The 97% effectiveness of the formula has been independently tested at the Quality Control Centre in Copenhagen, as a result of which it received a certificate confirming its highest quality. As many as 9/10 of those tested confirmed a noticeable increase in muscle strength, and in 89% of cases there was also a 1/3 increase in testosterone. Positive opinions of people who have already transformed their body fat into muscle are growing every day!

Joel Castro, 32, specialist dietician and personal trainer:

"I received MuscleArt and the muscle building process started from the very beginning. After about three days, I had 3-4 kg more muscles! This product completely replaced fat deposits in my body, which I thought was only possible through diet! I didn't train particularly hard, and yet my silhouette was more clearly defined, every muscle just perfectly grooved! Besides, this formula is completely safe - I felt healthy, had plenty of strength the whole time, and experienced zero side effects. Within a month, I gained a little over 15 kilos of muscle. I'm finally trim as I dreamed and... 100% satisfied! "

Here's a special offer for everyone who wants to end frustration, get a dream silhouette and endless energy. By clicking on the link below, you can get MuscleArt at a discount - up to 50% off! The special offer is valid ONLY until the end of the today!

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dr Richard Perez

Nutritionist, graduate of Sydney School of Medicine, member of the Society of Dietetics and Sport, author of publications on healthy eating and physical activity


Read comments on the article: "Innovative and hyper effective formula increases...."


Remember - never cross yourself off! If you have a dream, do everything to make it come true! That's what happened to methanks to MuscleArt - I went from a drenched noodle to muscles of steel and in just 3 months!



I won't say, I could use a little something for a cut, just to mess with what I can. Mike told me that something like that exists, but he didn't try it himself, he heard from a mate in the States. I'm waiting for more opinions.



@Dennis I've been using for the 5th day now and it's a blast, it's like there's a fire burning in my muscles! I can already see that some of the bacon is gone.



I recommend to all crossfitters and fighters. It's not only for guys, contrary to what this article may suggest ;) especially if you care about sculpting and you're not familiar with terms such as 'pouring', 'clipping', or drying yourself before a competition ;)



I'm a middle-aged guy, is it worth it to go through this madness?



@Alberto sure it is! If you're over 18, then there shouldn't be any problems :D



@Jaime boy, probably more like 18 x 3! well, but jokes aside. No dangers for slightly older weightlifting fans?


Randy N.

@Alberto if you've been lifting so far, then respect. But like they wrote in the article, it's just good for the body, you take two pills after an evening workout and you have both recovery and the old one gets so much nicer xD



Hello everyone who is screwed! I'm just coming to the end of the treatment - everything is going smoothly, no crooked action of any kind. Heart is fine, intestines are fine, dry mass is stable, no swelling. I think I have found another product to add to my must-have list!



It's strange to read all this praise, it seems so unreal


Antonio de Guzman

Just got the awaited package from MuscleArt, we'll see if what you guys write here and what I've heard at the gym is true. I won't modify my diet too much and we'll see - let the magic happen.



I'm somewhere in the middle of the treatment and I didn't expect such results, seriously! I didn't expect much, but I'm always testing new products on the market and this is a nice surprise - I recommend it!



I've been waiting for a good supplement based on natural ingredients for a while now, especially since I've been living a fit life for years: I eat a balanced diet, do yoga, run every day. I've also been looking for a product to help me build muscle, as I'm planning to join a gym with my chopper and maybe play with weights a bit. I can see that this is something for me, right? :)


Joseph Aquino

It's a good thing, because lately, I haven't been into any nutrients, nor do I feel like working out. Basically, I don't feel like doing anything.



But here, I see testosterone overflowing, hehe... and I just wanted to write, by the way, that my fiancé takes it and I haven't had a headache for a long time ;) if you know what I mean



@Jennifer hahahaaahaha, that made me laugh! How subtle you are ;)



@Ryan Well after all, these are the kind of things that the less you write about them, the more the one who reads will understand. No? ;)



Hey, and I'm just starting my weightlifting adventure. Do you guys think it's good to start?



@Joel dude, I think it's brilliant for the beginning, you couldn't do better. Non-invasive, just nature itself .. hehe



Well, I'll tell you that I've been trying to do something with myself for a long time, because I've grown bigger than tall and nothing helped, but this did. And now I am wild over wild!!!!



photos or didn't happen ;)


Richard de Leon

I keep it politely in the cupboard, look and admire



Hey, do you guys get the best sleep of your life after taking this? In the sense of getting better sleep?


Richard de Leon

Absolutely, you know. All thanks to the d-aspartic acid that it contains. So that the body can regenerate better, sleep is crucial. And let's not forget about ZMA - zinc, magnesium and B6 also improve the regeneration during the rest.



@Richard de Leon and is that mango?


Richard de Leon

It's a mango that supports muscle shedding because it suppresses the appetite and participates in the process of removing toxins from the body, also quite an important ingredient. Overall a very well thought out composition, you have to admit that.


Gina Domingo

Girls, listen to your trainer (that's me ;D): you won't find anything better on the market - the effects are there, it's not hardcore. And it's not only for beginners!



Awww, you can see that all Barts are cool guys ;)


Edgar D.

It just came to me, I will write about the what and how :D
